Stay top of
(local) mind.

Green Olive Cafe Squamish – Photo credit Paula Owen
There’s something special about smaller communities.
About the way business owners and customers connect, about the familiarity of attendees at an event, and about the support that shows up for someone chasing a goal.
The Sea to Sky (and specifically Squamish) is no exception to that concept; full of amazing people interested in being a part of a stellar community that supports one another and wants to see their neighbours succeed.
And, it’s growing – fast.
That growth—along with more great people moving to the corridor—means more businesses popping up – and popping into the mix of places locals will spend their hard earned dollars.
…but when there’s more happening in town and more businesses opening, getting eyes on your business beyond foot traffic or word of mouth can be a challenge.
Especially when you haven’t had to do much to market yourself, your products, or your services beyond leaving a stack of your business cards tucked in corners of coffee shops around town.
Which is exactly why The Local’s Board was created:
To offer an affordable, accessible, and easy-to-implement marketing solution for businesses and entrepreneurs local to the Squamish community interested in connecting with locals, advertising in Squamidh, and getting eyes on their business beyond their business card.
Positioned in 50+ high traffic locations in and around Squamish, The Local’s Board is a highly visible way to get your business in front of 5000+ people, monthly.
Highlighting monthly events, and complemented by small advertisements for local businesses, entrepreneurs and service providers, the board is an easy way to get in front of a captive, community-minded audience keen to invest in great local businesses.
And, with an online component that shares your events and business through The Local’s Board website, potential customers and clients have an accessible-from-anywhere way to learn more about you and what you do.
Beyond growing the way your business can get noticed, The Local’s Board provides a direction for your foray into marketing;
Offering you a great first step to learning new ways of growing your business, without a massive financial investment or DIY-ing your way through the process.
Be un-miss-able.
Imagine potential customers learning about your business:
While they add cream and sugar to their coffee at the local cafe
Waiting in line for breakfast
Preparing themselves for a yoga class
Filling up their water bottle at the gym
And that’s just the short list. With over 50 locations around town, your business will be seen on repeat by locals as they go about their every day.
If that’s not visibility, we don’t know what is.